10 Ways to Express Gratitude

  • experience, mentors, relationships, youth
  • Health, Mental Health, Resources for Parents, Guardians, Families, Resources for Professionals, Resources for Teens and Young Adults

Gratitude has the power to not only shape your reality but to improve the overall quality of your life. Research has shown gratitude to positively impact people’s mental health by improving sleep patterns, reducing stress, decreasing anxiety, and increasing feelings of happiness. Gratitude played a huge role in my journey through foster care. It wasn’t always easy to focus on the good aspects of what I was experiencing because things felt like they were out of my control most of the time.

Gratitude was a sliver of my life that I had complete control over. By focusing on the present moment, I was able to appreciate those who showed up and supported me, whether it was someone from my chosen family, a caseworker, or a judge. This helped me feel less alone because it reminded me that there were people who genuinely cared about my overall well-being. Expressing gratitude reminded me of my strength and resilience by showing me that I can overcome hard situations and adapt to new circumstances.

In this post, I’ll share 10 ways to express gratitude daily.

  1. Keep a journal: Keeping a gratitude journal where you write down something you’re grateful for each and every day is one of the simplest and easiest ways I’ve found to practice gratitude. It could be something as small as being grateful for nice weather or a person you’re grateful for. Don’t be afraid to be creative with it. I’ve even written down scents and foods for which I’m grateful.
  2. Write a letter: Is there anyone in your life that you want to say thank you to? It could be a relative, friend, teacher, or anyone who’s made a difference in your life. Try writing them a letter to express your feelings and show your gratitude. You can send it if you’d like, but you can keep it for yourself too.
  3. Volunteer: Giving back to your community is a great way to practice gratitude. Volunteering at your local library, community center, or animal rescue allows you to pay it forward and show thanks to the community you live in.
  4. Give a thoughtful gift: One of my favorite ways to show someone I’m thinking of them or to express my gratitude is by creating something thoughtful to give them. It could be a project I’ve crafted, a poem, a handmade card, a scrapbook, or a piece of art I’m working on. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive, but something that comes from your heart. 
  5. Walk through nature: Walking outdoors has changed my life. Connecting with nature allows me to practice being present by taking in the beautiful sights around me. It allows me to appreciate the current moment for what it is while giving me time to reflect on the things I’m grateful for in my life.
  6. Share your story: By sharing your story, you can acknowledge the challenges and triumphs you’ve experienced. With this acknowledgment, you can pinpoint how you’ve gotten to where you are today. It’s a great way to connect with yourself and thank the past version of yourself who got you through those moments. You can share your story in many ways, but my favorite is writing.
  7. Express your gratitude out loud: One of the simplest ways I’ve found to express gratitude is by saying thank you. When someone does something kind or helpful, remember to express your thanks.
  8. Practice being present: Through mindfulness activities, I’ve been able to practice being grateful for the present moment. By paying attention to what’s happening around me, I can appreciate the small aspects of my life I’d normally miss.
  9. Give a compliment: I started a rule with myself a few years ago that whenever I like a quality about someone, I make sure to compliment it. This practice allows me to recognize the good in others, reminding me that despite the negative experiences I may have had with people in the past, not everyone is the same. This process has helped me foster a feeling of gratitude for myself.
  10. Thank yourself: Don’t forget to thank yourself for showing up for you every day and finding the strength to keep going despite the challenges life’s given you.

Extra Resources:
What is Gratitude and Why Is it So Important? https://positivepsychology.com/gratitude-appreciation/
How to Practice Gratitude https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-gratitude-5206817
The Impact of Gratitude on Mental Health https://namica.org/blog/the-impact-of-gratitude-on-mental-health/


About the Author:
Kat works in healthcare and advocacy. As a former youth with lived experience, one of her biggest goals is to uplift youth voices within the child welfare system and influence policy to reflect better outcomes for youth in care. Her passions surround everything related to the art of storytelling.