Five Steps Foster Care Youth Can Take to Learn Better Decision-Making

  • foster care rights, my rights
  • Resources for Teens and Young Adults

Growing up in foster care comes with its unique set of challenges, but it's important to remember that you have the power to make decisions that shape your own life. While the foster care system may impose certain limitations, there are still many aspects of your life where you have the freedom to choose and make decisions that reflect your dreams and aspirations. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of decision-making for youth in foster care and provide practical guidance to help you navigate the decision-making process confidently.

Be Your Own Advocate

As a youth in foster care, it is essential to recognize that you have the ability to make decisions that impact your life. Take ownership of decisions relating to your education, extracurricular activities, relationships, and personal goals. Advocate for yourself and express your opinions, desires, and aspirations to those who are supporting you. Embrace the power to shape your future, knowing that your voice matters.

Seek Information and Support

Making informed decisions requires gathering information and understanding the options available to you. Reach out to your caseworker, mentors, teachers, or other trusted adults who can offer insights and help you understand the potential outcomes of your choices. Research and explore different options, ensuring you have a broad understanding of the possible outcomes. By equipping yourself with knowledge and support, you can make informed decisions that align with your goals and values.

Identify Your Priorities

Reflect on your dreams, values, and long-term goals. What matters most to you? Are you focused on pursuing higher education, developing a talent or skill, or building meaningful relationships? While the journey might not always be straightforward, your priorities will serve as a compass when making decisions. Having this sense of purpose will empower you to make choices that feel right for you.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

When faced with decisions, you can create a list of pros and cons to help make your choice. Consider factors such as short-term and long-term consequences, personal preferences, and potential risks. Remember, decision-making is not about perfection but about making choices that are best for you at a given time.

Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Sometimes, decisions may not work out as planned, and that's okay. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Embrace all outcomes as valuable learning opportunities, allowing them to shape your future choices. If a decision doesn't yield the desired outcome, remember that it doesn't define your worth or future. Learn  from the experience, adjust your course if necessary, and keep moving forward toward your goals.


As a youth in foster care, decision-making is a powerful tool that allows you to shape your own future. While the foster care system may impose limitations, it's important to recognize the areas where you have a say. Embrace your right to be involved in decisions that affect your life and seize opportunities to explore your goals and values! By being your own advocate, seeking information and support, identifying your priorities, weighing pros and cons, and embracing mistakes as learning opportunities, you can navigate the decision-making process with confidence. Remember, you have the power to create a future filled with possibilities!


Written with the assistance of an AI language model provided by OpenAI.