Summer Break

  • foster care rights, my rights
  • Resources for Teens and Young Adults
  1. Learn a new skill. 
    Have you seen something recently that you want to give a try? Summer is the perfect time to give it a go!
    • Learn a new language.
    • Take dancing lessons.
    • Join a club.
    • Join a local sports team/group.
    • Learn how to cook or bake.
    • Pick up a new instrument.
    • Explore painting and/or photography.
    • Set a reading goal.
    • Write a story for fun.
  2. Volunteer. 
    • Do you like books? Visit your local library and see if they need help over the next few months.
    • Do you like a certain subject? Could you see yourself tutoring in that subject? Ask your school if there are any tutoring options over the summer in that subject.
    • Do you love animals? Visit your local animal shelter and see if they need extra help over the summer.
  3. Get a part-time job.
    A great way to keep to a schedule and stay busy during the summer months is to get a part-time job. Getting a part time job can provide you with:
    • Your own spending money
    • Savings for the future
  4. Make it a habit to meet up with your friends once a week.
    Summer break can be tough for a lot of reasons but going from seeing your friends regularly to not seeing them at all stinks. Try to plan something at least once a week, where you and a friend hangout. This will give you something to look forward to every week and will help you feel stability in your connections. 
  5. Enroll in college classes.

    Are you interested in a specific career after high school? Have you wanted to explore your options? A lot of community colleges allow you to enroll in college courses at a low cost. By doing so you may be able to get a head-start on college courses–which could help you save time and money in the future.

    Don't want to take classes in person? There are online opportunities available!

    • Skillshare is a great website where you can focus on skills you’d like to gain or different topics you want to learn about.
    • LinkedIn a great resource if you’re interested in topics like project management, Overcoming Overthinking, programs like Lightroom, the Microsoft 365 Suite and more. They offer a one-month free trial. 
    • Treehouse is a great resource if you’re interested in pursuing a future career surrounding programming or designing (UX Design, coding, coding bootcamps, IT, etc.). They offer courses for seven days free of charge.
    • Udemy is awesome if you want to learn about things like music, business, personal development, design, marketing, IT and more.
  6. Map out goals for the upcoming school year.

    Summer is the perfect time to start planning out the goals you have for the upcoming school year. It’s a great time to reflect on the previous school year and ask yourself what went well and what you think could go better. For example, maybe you want to improve your grade in math, so one of your goals for the upcoming school year could be to dedicate more time to studying math. Read our previous blog to learn to set goals you’ll keep by making them S.M.A.R.T Goals.

  7. Attend a study group for the ACT’s/SAT’s.
    Summertime is the perfect time to study for your standardized tests because you don’t have the added pressure of studying for your regular class exams during the break.
  8. Make it a habit to get outside every day.
    It’s easy to fall into the habit of staying inside during the summer but moving your body daily is important. Getting outside helps our bodies and mind take the time we need to de-stress, unwind, and find a sense of inner peace.
  9. Schedule time for daily self-care.
    You, your mind, body, and soul should be a top priority. It’s important that you carve out time every day to practice self-care. Self-care looks different for everyone, here are a few ways you can implement self-care into your routine:
    • Eat a healthy meal
    • Try to get at least eight hours of sleep per night
    • Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time daily
    • Engage in exercise
    • Go for a walk and soak in the sun
    • Read a book
    • Take a shower or bath

    Also don’t forget ways you can practice self-care during the school year.

  10. Rest and relax.
    Resting and taking the time you need to recuperate are key factors in your overall health. Make sure you give yourself a break and enjoy your summer. You’ve worked hard this year and you deserve it!

About the Author

Hi, my name is Katarina, but please feel free to call me Kat or Rin! My pronouns are she/her! My work resides in both healthcare and advocacy. As a former youth with lived experience, one of my biggest goals is to uplift youth voices within the child welfare system and influence policy to reflect better outcomes for youth in care. A lot of my passions surround everything related to the art of storytelling! I love acting, singing, writing, and reading in my spare time. I sing, play the guitar, and play the piano by ear.