Transgender Day of Remembrance

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  • Resources for Teens and Young Adults

What is Transgender Day of Remembrance?

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is a yearly observance of transgender people who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender prejudice , discrimination, hate, and violence. TDOR was started in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil intended to honor Rita Hester, a transgender woman who lost her life to anti-transgender  violence in 1988. The vigil honored all transgender people who have lost their lives since Rita’s death, which sparked the yearly observance of Transgender Day of Remembrance. Check out the following resource for more information on TDOR:

When is Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022?

Sunday November 20th.

Why is Transgender Day of Remembrance important?

  • It raises awareness of hate crimes against transgender people, something that is often not portrayed in the media.

  • It’s a day where we can get together to mourn and honor those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence.

  • Through TDOR vigils, we’re able to express love and support of those who face such hatred and cruelty, and in turn advocate for more laws and regulations to be put in place to protect transgender people. 
  • TDOR raises awareness of the persistent stigma and discrimination of those in the transgender community.
  • TDOR gives allies a chance to step forward and show their support.

How can I get involved with Transgender Day of Remembrance

  • Attend or organize a vigil of all those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence over the past year.

    • A vigil is a gathering, usually public, for people to attend and show support. 

    • Vigils are typically held at local LGBTQ+ resource centers, parks, some places of worship, and community centers. Hosts are normally LGBTQ+ advocates, or different LGBTQ+ organizations.

    • If you’re interested in honoring those lives lost on your own, you can do so by writing a list of those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence and saying their names aloud.
    • Educate yourself on how anti-transgender violence impacts the community.
  • Lift-up work from transgender and gender non-conforming artists.
  • Support or show love to organizations that work to improve the lives of transgender people.
  • Read how you can support Transgender Day of Awareness: 3 Powerful Ways to Observe Transgender Day of Remembrance | Colorlines.
  • March, attend a local TDOR walk, if there are any happening in your area.
  • Help organize or participate in a food drive to help raise money or awareness for the transgender community.


About the Author:
Katarina, or Kat or Rin for short works in healthcare and advocacy. As a former youth with lived experience, one of her biggest goals is to uplift youth voices within the child welfare system and influence policy to reflect better outcomes for youth in care. Her passions surround everything related to the art of storytelling. She loves acting, singing, writing, and reading in her spare time. She sings, plays the guitar, and plays the piano by ear.